Your life is busy. Whether you are working from home or home schooling your children or, as is the case for many these days, doing both, you barely have time to shower let alone run important errands or get your pet to the vet.
That’s where we come in. Give us your shopping list and we’ll take care of it. Let us go to the post office and pick up that package. Here are just a few things we will do for you to make your life easier:
– Go shopping
– Take you or a loved one to a doctor appointment
– Pick up prescriptions
– Take your pet to the vet
– Go to the post office
– Wait at your home for a delivery
– Research vacation spots
– Pick up your drycleaning
Personal Health Safety
Your health and our health is important. We follow all appropriate protocols for social distancing, mask wearing and hand sanitization no matter where we are or what errand we are running. We do this to keep you and ourselves safe and appreciate your doing so as well.